Saturday 19 March 2022

22 xenoblade - defeating the evil rhangrot after getting stronger

Dear Readers,

I looked at the instruction manual and it turns out there's no penalty for getting KO'd, but I decided to head to the story objective for now.

I also studied the manual in the section for target windows of enemies, looking at examples of danger levels and sense types. Different colours for easy-difficult, different symbols for if they attack on sight or sound etc. This knowledge will come in very handy. No doubt it's in the tutorials somewhere too. Just needed to study this for a bit.

Since we levelled up a bit on the beach and through doing sidequests etc, we were at level 10 now and were strong enough to take on the Evil Rhangrot! It was a big battle but we beat it and finished that side quest! Hooray! I was glad to finish that one.

We continued up the hill and got to a nice vantage point where we could look over Colony 9 and the anti-air thingies surrounding it.

A cutscene played where someone was there to greet us. It was Fiora! She had some equipment with her and insisted she come along with us. Why not.

I got tutorials for the Party Gauge, reviving incapacitated party members by pressing b, and Chain attacks. Things becoming more and more complex now. Also got a tutorial for the story memo. I knew it already but it's always handy knowing where to go.

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