Wednesday 23 March 2022

26 xenoblade - more sidequests in colony 9!

Dear Readers,

While in the residential district we noticed Dionysis had a sidequest. He was an old man, the oldest person in the colony (he claimed, not that I had reason to doubt him), and his back was playing up. We listened to him and he asked us to get some Medicinal Brog Oil for him.

Reyn said he was fitter than the lot of us and he exercised a lot, but Dionysis said he just endured the pain and faked a smile like he was hunky-dory. We agreed to collect 2 lots of Medicinal Brog Oil for him.

It just so happened that we already had what he wanted! He was delighted with us and he was right as rain again. It said he was good for a few years yet. Yay!

He told us that interests were the key to a long life. He admired Marcia's love of kids. This made a link appear between him and her on the chart. I don't know if I ever spoke to him before or not but he came up as "Talkative old man".

We warped to the commercial district to talk to her, but we came across Giorgio first. He was running out of Dance Apples and asked us to collect 5 for him. We accepted and had them already, so he was delighted and told us curry was on the house any time we wanted! Yay! 

Then we met Rocco, who had a sidequest. He broke his mum's pendant and she's been making bad food ever since. He asked for help. I said Dean should be able to help and I said I'd ask him for the quest. He was happy. He then said not to tell his mum Sonia about this.

I spoke to Leopold and a link came up between him and Arnaut. It seems Arnaut's a fan of his. I spoke to Arnaut and he feels he doesn't go home as often as he should, looking up to Kantz, saying he's more of a man. Aw.

I caught up with Dean and got him to fix the pendant. He wanted me to tell Rocco that it was him that fixed it. Rocco was delighted and wanted to fix things when he grew up. I spoke with Dean again and he had another mission for me, a romantic mission! He wanted to have dinner with Rocco's mother Sonia so he asked us to talk to her. We agreed to ask her for him.

We warped quickly to Sonia and asked her for a date with Dean. She found it cute and she'd love to say yes, but she was preoccupied with the kids. There was an argument involving a Shin Gecko over who spotted it first, then it fled. She asked us to collect 2 Shin Geckos for her in Tephra Cave. Alright! Let's go!

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