Wednesday 2 March 2022

5 xenoblade - meeting the gem man

Dear Readers,

I continued mingling in Colony 9. It was night now.

Upstairs a man said an old woman hung out here in the mornings raving about stuff.

I crossed a bridge and down another flight of stairs, meeting a man named Oleksiy. He was critical of people's relaxed attitude, even though we went through a big battle just a year ago. His personality was "Estranged free thinker".

Then I met the Gem Man. He wanted to teach me so I let him talk. He said creatures dropped crystals when they die. He said this furnace he had compresses ether crystals and removes impurities to make ether gems. These gems had the power of ether crystals in condensed form and they can give me all sorts of powers. Great for use at home or by the Defence Force. I only had to put them in weapons or armour with slots.

For demonstration he pointed to my weapon and gave me a couple of gems to increase Strength and HP. He then said not to waste ether crystals by selling them as they were useful. He then said the furnace wasn't working now and to come back later.

Whew. Another thing to learn.

A lady said she liked walking around here at night as it was safe. She did mention bad conversations coming from the alley nearby. Hmm..

While all this stuff was happening, I levelled up and got the achievement "Ear to the Ground" for talking to people 100 times.

I think it's time to turn the game off for another day. I still haven't talked to everyone and I feel like I haven't got my bearings at all in this town yet. More mingling in town next time!

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