Thursday 3 March 2022

6 xenoblade - getting bearings in colony 9

Dear Readers,

I continued mingling in Colony 9, trying to get my bearings. It became daytime again.

I spoke to Kenny Rohan. He believed art could heal the deepest wounds and scars of war. His personality was "Artistic genius". He might be on to something really good.

I spoke to Cheryl upstairs. She said she was missing her son. Her personality was "Sad OAP" aww... This was the ranting lady that was mentioned last night. She was trying to find her son and others that went missing in the battle.

I went back down the original stairs and met Dorothy. She was sleepy and suspected someone was messing with her clock. Her personality was "Fine soldier". She does have pretty hair alright but I'm sure it refers to her qualities as a soldier.
After talking to her I got an achievement for registering 10 people on the affinity chart. Whew.

I spoke to another resident who talked about the big lump of metal sticking out of the western cliff. He said there were all kinds of machines in there that we could never make.

A lady sitting at a table lost her housekey and asked me to help her find it. I agreed to. This came up as "Search Quest 3". I haven't even encountered the other two yet! This town is even bigger than I thought.

A little blue dude was looking out at the river. He said his kind were cute and easy for monsters to eat, which was why they all carried weapons. Good call.

A lady was looking for Vang Teeth for her grandmother's handicrafts. I took on the quest.

A lady was feeling sorry for a boy named Rocco or something who was bickering with his sister and mother. Aw.

I found a girl named Paola hiding. I nearly missed her becuase she was squatting and blending into the background. her personality was "Really likes Reyn".

I then met Rocco, whose personality was "Home-loving tearaway". He said he broke his mother's pendant, hence the fighting. Aw. Maybe I can fix it but there wasn't an option to accept a quest or anything.

I then met Giorgio, the famous curry genius. He said I was late and only made enough curry for 20 plates. His personality was "Hardcore chef".

I then met Liliana, running really fast. Her personality was "Misses her dad". Aww...

I met a man named Sesame, who was late for a secret meeting. His personality was "Idealist" and he said he had a habit of revealing secrets he shouldn't. Hmm...

It turned to night again. Gonna stop for now and continue later. I can see that part of this commercial district is a circle, some of it is upstairs and there's some kind of big shed and there's also a bridge to another district going over a body of water.

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