Tuesday 22 March 2022

25 xenoblade - niranira, moritz and lukas are now the best of friends

Dear Readers,

After the very dangerous but fun exploration of Hazzai Cape and surrounding areas, we warped back to the residential district.

We chatted with Jolele again and he was happy that Niranira made a nice friend like Lukas. The link established between them. I'm glad we found Niranira when we explored Hazzai Cape without getting our butts kicked. There was some interesting wreckage there too. Probably debris.

We switched to daytime and spoke to Lukas, who told us Niranira made it home, so that was nice. Moritz then wanted to say something to us. He apologised to Niranira and was amazed that he got a Krabble shell all by himself. He thanked us for saving Niranira and promised to play nice from now on. We returned to Lukas who was very happy as they were now all the best of friends! It even reflected this in the Affinity Chart! Yay!

They all looked forward to playing games that you can play as three kids instead of just two. Hooray!

That little Niranira guy... he was super courageous to go all the way to such a dangerous area. I wouldn't encourage any kid to go there, even a non-human kid.

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