Thursday 24 March 2022

27 xenoblade - helping dean with his love life

Dear Readers,

This was all about helping Dean out! I wanted to help him get a date with Sonia. Sonia was willing bug was preoccupied with keeping her kids happy, so she wanted me to get 2 shin geckos for her kids so I had to go to Tephra Cave.

I went to Tephra Cave and since I got stronger than the last time I was here, I was able to beat up the huge caterple and huge bunnit/bunniv thingies, so that was nice. The shin geckos were around were the brogs were. There was only one though so I had to revisit the area or wait or something to make it spawn again. When I got both geckos I went back to town.

Sonia agreed to go on the date with Dean when I got the geckos! Woo!

I told Dean and he was over the moon. The scene cut to after the date and Dean said it went okay and that she asked him for another dinner date. He felt he still hadn't won Sonia over but things are going really well!

Sonia's daughter Liliana then had a quest for me. She was worried about her mum dating the geeky man and forgetting her late father... aw... 

We listened to her problem anyway. She said before her dad passed away, he said if her mum ever got in trouble, that someone was to look in the little cave on Agora Shore. She reckoned her dad must've left something in that cave so her mum wouldn't forget him. Is she talking about the cave with that absolutely massive frog in it? Whew... she's gonna be waiting a while.

Meanwhile, I chatted with Sonia again and she was feeling very good! She said she was all aflutter from spending lots of time with Dean and she was feeling like a young girl again. Aw :)

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