Tuesday 8 March 2022

11 xenoblade - more mingling in the military district during the day

Dear Readers,

I mingled in the Military District until it became morning again, witnessing the moment when the NPCs disappeared for the daytime NPCs to appear suddenly, which was amusing. The base is huge and wide open and mostly the same colour, so figures of people aren't always easy to spot in the distance. Same goes for Nopon, which are tiny.

I spoke to Emmy Leater, a "Young captain". She said she was waiting for some idiot who was holding her back. She was looking for someone she could ask for help but said I didn't quite fit the description. I won't take offence.

The soldier who disappeared when it became night appeared again. He spoke of armour of different weights and said it took someone skilled to wear heavier ones. Wasn't too specific though.

Another soldier said we were perfectly equipped for emergencies and this base could house everyone underground. He said they couldn't do that in Colony 6 though.

I met Raoul at the gate, who came up as "Elite captain". He said everyone was working hard except for one platoon. He commented on Emmy Leater as being terrible at managing her platoon of one.

I spoke to her again where I found her standing between the two lookouts. She said she wanted me to find her subordinate but didn't seem to trust me, so it didn't come up as a quest. I have no idea who she could be talking about. That link between her and Raoul was not a happy one. He said there could be nepotism involved in her becoming captain. Yeeks.

I met Kantz, a "Lieutenant colonel", who was supportive of Vangarre, saying things ran smoothly with him at the helm. Well, he's not the one getting punched...

I think that's enough mingling in this area. Maybe I need to do some trading with Emmy or the others to get trust so I can help them.

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