Wednesday 30 March 2022

33 xenoblade - using the monado at last!

Dear Readers,

After that little skirmish, the Mechon kept coming at us. A big piece of rubble fell between Reyn and myself and he ended up fighting off an open claw coming at him.

Just then a figure appeared and tore through some Mechon in a very dramatic way, saying sorry he kept us waiting. It was Dunban wielding the Monado! We cheered and joined up.

Another battle with bigger Mechon followed. Dunban tore right through them easily! Wow! He seemed to be okay, thankfully. We told him Fiora was over in the residential district and we had to meet her there, but some rubble was blocking the way. We had to go through the commercial district again and outside and around. Whew.

Again, I ran past the Mechon in the district and headed straight for the bridge. When we got there, Dunban collapsed and started coughing up blood. Yikes... he wasn't so good after all. More Mechon were coming so I ran to pick up the Monado and in a very dramatic scene, ran towards the Mechon in slow motion, realising my powers to see into the future with this thing. This enabled me to foresee attacks!

Dunban and Reyn joined me and I explained the best I could. The Monado has all sorts of hidden powers. I got a tutorial about Monado Arts.

At this point, we were well able to fight the Mechon! We tore through a few of them on the way to the residential district. The little quips and lines from Dunban were really fun as well. He was instructing us and were we going "Yes sir!" which was very amusing.

After a few battles, we reached the residential district where we were confronted by the giant Mechon with the face.

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