Saturday 5 March 2022

8 xenoblade - central plaza of colony 9

Dear Readers,

I finally crossed the bridge to the Central Plaza. It was nighttime.

I met a guy in the corner who lost his wedding ring. I accepted the quest. Then it got completed because I already found it! I don't remember finding it, but I won't complain. I didn't need to talk to him again, so I'm surer of that now with quests. Whew.

A guy sitting down said I shouldn't overdo it. Then he told me about a cave that was straight from the exit of the colony. Handy. He advised me to bring Reyn with me.

From the Central Plaza, there were bridges that went towards the Residential District and the Military District. 

There was a little blue guy here that had these animals carrying goods for him. He said they were dangerous out in the wild.

I decided to save here and continue to the next point in the story at the Military District next time.

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