Sunday 6 March 2022

9 xenoblade - exploring the military district of Colony 9

Dear Readers,

I went to the Fortress Entrance of the Military District from the Central Plaza of Colony 9. A scene played out where the Colonel Vangarre was screaming his head off at two soldiers who crashed a mech thingy into a house. Comedic music was playing and he really was laying into them. His mustache was really big and horned, not at all like the older guy from the prologue. Like I said it was played for laughs but he punched them ruthlessly as well. Yikes...

His accent was so English I expected him to say "You 'orrible lot!" but instead he called them maggots.

This was a very big place. I spoke to the first soldier I saw with a quest marker. He told me about Lake Flamii on the beach near Anti-Air Battery 1. He asked me to take out 2 of them and I accepted. This was kind of a routine thing they did to protect the battery.

I spoke to him again for another quest. Defeating 1 Baby Armu to help with the same problem. Then again for defeating 2 Stone Krabbles near Agora Shore. He said it was far east of the colony.

Vangarre didn't appear on the affinity chart. He seems very cruel.

I spoke to Jan, an old man. He came up on the chart as "Retired soldier". He said the soldiers today didn't have what it takes. He was watching some soldiers train, doing press ups.

A soldier said he was training in Arts using claw weapons, saying it was his dream to master Mumkhar's Hell Dive Claw. He wished he was still alive to teach him. I don't remember if that's one of the guys from the prologue.

A soldier spoke of Evil Rhangrot on Tephra Hill, saying she was ordered to kill it by herself. She said it was impossible for one person. She asked me to do it for her and I accepted. She thanked me and told me to be careful as it was a terrifying monster. She then said Dickson was the commander of the soldier and scientists but he was often away so Vangarre was acting as colonel. She wished they made Dunban the colonel instead. He definitely wouldn't be as cruel I'd say.

A soldier who liked messing around with machines said the machine he was looking at went through a lot and was on its last legs. He added that Vangarre was so violent he wasn't expecting it to last much longer.

Another soldier advised me about monsters that remain docile unless one of their own is attacked. For example, she said Bunnits were dangerous and acted in packs, whereas Caterpiles will just sit there even if you attack another one. Interesting. Wish the game had a bestiary so I could use it for reference... She was working on the vehicle too.

Another soldier was bossing them around from atop a crate.

Another soldier said Dunban and Mumkhar were rivals for the Monado and Dunban won. She said Mumkhar was always so angry after that. Okay... so Mumkhar was the one with the rings around his eyes. I remember now. She added that he'd be using it if he were still alive as Dunban couldn't handle it anymore.

Another soldier talked about wooden and silver treasure chests that enemies drop. Interesting.

Another soldier talked about Agora Shore and how dangerous it was. He advised me to just run if I ever went there by accident.

I was about to talk to another soldier but he vanished into thin air. Must be the change to night time...

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