Monday 30 April 2018

59 zelda breath of the wild - the deadly electric enemies guarding the tower

Dear Readers,

I crossed Carok Bridge into the region west of Central Hyrule without being spotted by the Guardian Skywatchers.

Sunday 29 April 2018

58 zelda breath of the wild - spotting a guardian skywatcher while looking for clues on the third photograph memory

Dear Readers,

The next picture to recall in the album was the third one. It looked like ruins I recognised from the Plateau, so I warped to the Great Plateau Tower.

Friday 27 April 2018

56 zelda breath of the wild - my three heart stamina replenishing packed lunch strategy

Dear Readers,

I decided to warp away from Lanayru and replenish my food supplies! It was a dark and stormy night so I went to Hateno Village to cook there.

Thursday 26 April 2018

55 zelda breath of the wild - an ice wizzrobe chases me up lanayru tower

Dear Readers,

I crossed the bridge and started climbing the hill on the way to the tower in this region north of Necluda. It was quite eventful!

Wednesday 25 April 2018

54 zelda breath of the wild - gliding into the region north of necluda, meeting friendly zoras

Dear Readers,

I decided to map out the region to the north of Necluda next. I warped to Kakariko Village and headed towards the tower in that region.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Monday 23 April 2018

Saturday 21 April 2018

50 zelda breath of the wild - encountering newer and scarier types of moblins on the hilltop

Dear Readers,

The hill between Kaam Ya'tak Shrine and the tower was not a peaceful one! This area was crawling with new types of Moblins I hadn't met yet!

Friday 20 April 2018

Thursday 19 April 2018

48 zelda breath of the wild - guardian stalkers interrupt my cartography plans

Dear Readers,

I decided to map the area north of the plateau. I also saw a falling star fall in that area too! I glided out there quickly.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

47 zelda breath of the wild - restoring my first captured memory

Dear Readers,

I found my first Captured Memory! It was at the East Gate on Lanayru Road. I started recalling my first memory...

Tuesday 17 April 2018

46 zelda breath of the wild - cowering in fear between a lynel and a cold place

Dear Readers,

I was in a bit of a dilemma! It was too cold to hang around in Naydra Snowfield and the other way was patrolled by a menacing Lynel!

Monday 16 April 2018

45 zelda breath of the wild - climbing the cliff on the way to naydra snowfield

Dear Readers,

From Pikango's directions, I placed a beacon on what looked like the entrance to the Naydra Snowfield and warped to Hateno Tower.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Saturday 14 April 2018

43 zelda breath of the wild - cataloguing the elusive blupee

Dear Readers,

I often find this creature near the shrine at Kakariko on the way to the Fairy Fountain. I went back here especially to take a picture of it! Shooting it with arrows makes it drop rupees so that's handy :)

Friday 13 April 2018

42 zelda breath of the wild - reaching duelling peaks tower and mapping out west necluda

Dear Readers,

I continued towards the tower and through some woods. There I met Giro, a travelling merchant who had set up camp here. I wonder how he got those Hearty Truffles...

Thursday 12 April 2018

41 zelda breath of the wild - gliding from the wind turbines in bosh kala shrine

Dear Readers,

Bosh Kala Shrine was near Proxim Bridge. If it wasn't for Brigo pointing it out to me, I wouldn't have seen it! That was nice of him :) I went inside and started "The Wind Guides You" trial.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

40 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out with brigo of proxim bridge

Dear Readers,

On Proxim Bridge I met a man named Brigo. He was freaked out about the towers popping up in each region and about shrines and Guardians. He said he was here to patrol around the bridge in order to keep monsters away from it as it was an important route. He also had directions to various places.

Monday 9 April 2018

38 zelda breath of the wild - cooking with koko in kakariko

Dear Readers,

Back to Kakariko Village! I haven't mapped this area out yet but I will soon. For now I just hung out here, catching up with subquests and taking more pictures for the Hyrule Compendium.

Friday 6 April 2018

35 zelda breath of the wild - the old equestrian riding course that was now infested with moblins and bokoblins

Dear Readers,

I went back to the plateau to grab a Traveller's Sword to bring back to Nebb. It was the only place I was sure I could find one. He gave me 20 rupees :) Next he wanted me to find a Fire Rod. I never saw one before so that'll have to come along later.

Thursday 5 April 2018

34 zelda breath of the wild - guardian scout iii beats the living daylights out of me

Dear Readers,

A Modest Test Of Strength at the Muwo Jeem Shrine! Despite my battle inexperience, I jumped into the combat trial anyway!

Wednesday 4 April 2018

33 zelda breath of the wild - tiny exploding stone talus

Dear Readers,

I got curious about the shrine at the end of the spit of land to the south of Loshlo Harbour, so I wandered towards there.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

32 zelda breath of the wild - climbing ebon mountain and mining ore deposits

Dear Readers,

I took some pictures of materials I had gathered so far. I also climbed Ebon Mountain and went mining for ore deposits.

Sunday 1 April 2018

1 lode runner legacy - a new version of one of my favourite computer games and that's no joke!

Dear Readers,

I thought I'd try out the demo for the Switch version of this game. I always loved Lode Runner and played it on the Macintosh growing up :)