Wednesday 25 April 2018

54 zelda breath of the wild - gliding into the region north of necluda, meeting friendly zoras

Dear Readers,

I decided to map out the region to the north of Necluda next. I warped to Kakariko Village and headed towards the tower in that region.

I trotted and glided across the mountains into this region. I eventually ran out of mountains and glided down to lower ground. There were lots of insect chirping and a sleeping Hinox down here.

I continued towards the tower. I could see what looked like an elephant graveyard or something. I was crossing a wooden bridge when someone waved at me. It was a Zora named Tona. She was pretty excited to see me and asked if I was a Hylian. I said yes and she said to go see Prince Sidon as he was on the lookout for a certain Hylian. She directed me to go to Inogo Bridge, which was upstream of Zora River. Nice girl :) I'll go see him sometime after I climb the tower.

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