Saturday 21 April 2018

50 zelda breath of the wild - encountering newer and scarier types of moblins on the hilltop

Dear Readers,

The hill between Kaam Ya'tak Shrine and the tower was not a peaceful one! This area was crawling with new types of Moblins I hadn't met yet!

#109 Blue Moblin

Spotted this ugly creature on the hill behind the shrine. There was a whole group of them patrolling around here! I stayed out of sight.

#111 Stalmoblin

I thought I was safe on the hill away from the Blue Moblins, but night fell and these Stalfos Moblins burst out of the ground and charged towards me! As if Stalfos Bokoblins weren't enough already! This game just doesn't let up!

I glided away from them towards the tower. I actually reached the tower this way, but there were Guardian Stalkers nearby and they could spot me as I climbed! Gah! I ended up warping away. Must plan for this later!

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