Tuesday 31 July 2018

151 zelda breath of the wild - swinging crazy at mogg latan shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to visit Lord Satori since the mountain was glowing again and see if I could get anything out of it. Afterwards I visited Mogg Latan Shrine nearby to complete the trial there.

It was a stormy night so I didn't get any chance to shoot Blupees and only two chances to shoot Lord Satori. I'll have to come back when lightning isn't crashing all around here.

#338 Strengthened Lizal Bow

A Stalizalfos dropped this when I defeated it.

I went into Mogg Latan Shrine to take on the "Synced Swing" trial. Wow this trial was annoying. There were these swinging metal platforms held at four corners by chains holding them up. I had to magnetise them and make them swing but I had trouble trying to swing them right. I fell down the hole a lot and had to eat all my Simmered Fruit dishes.

#289 Forest Dweller's Spear

I got beyond though and found this in the treasure chest. I had to shoot some rope holding up a bridge.

There were spiked balls hanging from chains blocking the path. This was kinda weird. I had to magnetise them and gently move around them to get past. Beyond them was another chest with a Forest Dweller's Bow.

The next obstacle were these metal platforms I had to slide along rails. The first one was slanted so I had to step on that one while magnetising it. The rest of them were like a stack so I had to position them to make a staircase. Then I spotted a chest underneath them. It was worth getting to because it had 300 rupees in it :)

I did have to rearrange the metal blocks to make a staircase in the other direction but it was still worth it! I made the staircase and climbed it, then put the second step from the top closer to the platform I wanted to get up on, jumped on that step, then brought the top step closer to me so I could use that to reach the platform. Whew!

I hit the switch and two metal lanterns on chains dropped. I had to magnetise them and hit one of them against the wall of the pillar so the flame would fall down on the leaves. I managed to do it with a bit of motion control. The leaves burned and the wooden barrier on the metal doors burned as well, so I was able to open them with Magnesis and head straight to the monk.

#040 Mountain Crow

These guys were just outside the shrine as I was leaving, so I snapped a pic of them before they noticed me!

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