Tuesday 9 June 2020

2 travis strikes again: no more heroes - some 60fps! co-op from the get go!

Dear Readers,

I am Travis Touchdown! Time for the video game school tutorial in glorious 60fps!

I materialised on the scene in kneeling position before my clothes caught up with me. That's gotta be a reference to something but I can't place what it is right now. The music was this cool fresh sounding beat.

This was the tutorial and I was conversing at this stage, without voice acting with other characters. They were named Death & Drive, after the game console no doubt. I was now inside the game world, so dialogue is accompanied with electronic bips and beeps.

They told me this place was off limits and the government had issued an evacuation order. I told them if this was a game, I was gonna clear it for sure and they couldn't stop me. I told them to stay outta my way. They asked me for a permit and I refused to comply. They said not to underestimate video games. They tried a transformation to kill me straight away in the tutorial, but weren't able to due to insufficient funds. I told them this was taking forever! And I complained that this was what sucked about video games nowadays, it took too long to finally start playing! True! And look at me writing the second blog post on this already! Yeesh!

They told me to get my hands on a permit before we met again and for now to just clear the usual mission-style events.

After this I played a good bit... The game is a consistent 60fps! Also I can Switch between Travis and Badman and turn co-op on and off at anytime... This is what I wanted to know for now. I'll catch up with this game again soon

I guess I should offer a correction. It's not always 60fps as I have experienced a dip here and there. Anyway, that's it.

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