Monday 29 June 2020

22 travis strikes again: no more heroes - kamui solves the maze!

Dear Readers,

Kamui, Jeane and I then went to the ** Convenience Store ** It was a good-sized store with spacious parking as well. I said it was just some convenience store. Kamui said there was an underground dungeon here!

Oh man, flashes of old video game mazes came to mind, like the one in Portopia or the ones in Mystical Ninja/Goemon games...

Kamui said it was set up like a labyrinth, so we'd need a plan to reach the treasure. Wouldn't it be one long path to the end since it's a labyrinth? Anyway... I just said that was easy: cheat! Slam in a cheat code! Kamui said he didn't think cheating would be a good idea... but he'd try.

The boxes went blank and some computery noises happened, then the message "Death Ball acquired." appeared along with a picture of it! My portrait appeared as an 8-bit Link Travis again, holding it up in the air! :)

Kamui said he was glad he tried cheating like that. I told him you gotta keep a flexible head, otherwise you'd never crack anything!

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