Tuesday 2 June 2020

19 donut county - trashing the anthropology lab

Dear Readers,

Back in the Raccoon HQ hallway, bunnies were running all over the place. The biology lab was now just a big hole inside. Haha :) I deployed another hole!

I swallowed up the bunnies here along with others in the security and main hall areas, the latter of which had a blue key card. I used that to get into the anthropology lab.

This place was full of raccoon researchers studying trash can fires and doughnuts. The Trash King was on the big screen here too. he seemed to be continuing the tour for the new raccoon recruits. He said before raccoons, the people of Donut County produced a wide variety of trash, which the raccoons believed had special significance. He said the raccoon scientists studied this trash round the clock so that they could learn to create their own some day. I deployed another hole in here!

I swallowed up the stuff on the floor before going after the raccoon researchers. Then I swallowed up the doughnuts and trash fire, which made heat come out of the hole.

The camera shifted to near the Trash Kings screen. I lit the fireworks and smashed up the screen! I fired another one at the alarm bell button, which made the sirens and red lights go off here too.

Just then, the Trash King came on over the intercom, telling everybody not to panic and that everything was fine. He then said with a firm and annoyed voice, to whomever was driving this hole to please go away!

Music stopped and sprinklers filled up the hole with water. I took it over to the wires which powered the turning wheel. I had to get the bird to drink the water, the firework shack to spawn a fireworks rocket, fill the hole up again with water, turn the wheel again, get the bird to drink the water again; after that I had to go to the right side of the firework and light it, then swallow it, then carry it to underneath the hole on the right. The firework shot up into where the alarm button was. Whew! What a rigmarole! 

Red lights and sirens blared again. The Trash King said WELLLL... that concludes the tour. He then called for the hole driver to meet him in his office in a very loud and stern voice. NOW I have his attention!

The TV screen monitoring this lab broke down as well.

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