Wednesday 3 June 2020

20 donut county - trash king tempts me

Dear Readers,

Sirens and sprinklers were going off at the Raccoon HQ and the Trash King wanted to talk to me, so I deployed another hole.

The big door that was locked before sprung open with a creepy sound. I took the hole in to the Trash King's Office.

Here was a long dark corridor with an ominous chime. On the walls were displays of things I had swallowed, like Possum's mask.

When I deployed the hole in here, it got all dark with a spotlight on a single doughnut on the floor. When I swallowed it another doughnut appeared further down the hallway with another spotlight on that. A trail of them continued down the hall. Finally there was one spot inside an octagon shape on the floor where the music stopped. I swallowed the doughnut here and a cage sprung up around the hole! Lights flashed on and there, in front of the hole was the Trash King, on top of a huge mound of trash.

The Trash King called me to please report to his office right now. The music got more dramatic with choir singers and all. He said he was opening up direct access for me alone. He said we had urgent business.

I was like whoa, he said my name. Mira asked me if I was sure I could handle him alone as he seemed like he stank. I said he definitely did but I could handle him. I told Mira I thought about what she said and yeah this was my mess to clean up. She said yeah but I could always call her for backup. I told her I appreciated it and to wish me luck. She said I didn't need it and I was gonna kick butt :) I was like lol thanks dude!

I slid down from the balloon on a rope into the HQ...

Trash King offered me a pickle. I said no, as I was here in his office to get him to reverse the holes and bring everyone back. He asked me if I knew I was the highest rated hole driver in Donut County and that I was famous. I was like, woah, really? He told me to picture full time employee status and company stock. He said the company would take care of everything for me and they would even wipe my butt!

I said I hated wiping my butt! He said if I joined him, I'd get to play with the REAL big boy toys: The King Quadcopter, a full sized one that had a cement cannon for tough construction jobs. He said it was the pickup truck of quadcopters. I gave more than one OMG.

Trash King then said he had one more thing to show me and I was to follow him...

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