Tuesday 30 June 2020

23 travis strikes again: no more heroes - showing the death ball to bishop

Dear Readers,

We all went to the ** Game Shop ** where we met Bishop. He welcomed me, saying that thing I asked for wasn't in yet.

I said that wasn't why I was here. I showed him a Death Ball. He was like No way! and asked if it was a replica. I said it was the real deal, son!

Didn't Bishop get murdered? I'm a bit confused. The music that played here has a snazzy beat and does capture the feeling of browsing a shop menu in an old video game.

Bishop had many questions, them being how? Where? Who? How Much? He asked me how much I was willing to take for it. I said hold up and chill and said I had a favour to ask of him. I said to try booting The Death Ball on his Death Drive. He said on his own shop's hardware? I said to check whether or not it was the real thing.

He said it'd take high-concentration oxygenated water and asked if I knew how much that was gonna cost. I said to do it for me, as I didn't have time to go back to Texas and check now. I told him I'd bring him the latest Miike flick next time!

Travis must mean Takashi Miike :) I've seen some of his stuff and the latest I've seen is First Love, which is pretty good!

Bishop said in that case, he wanted me to bring Miike's new TV series. I asked if it was on cable and he said it was on Tokyo TV, in Japan. I said to leave it to me and that I'd call my buddy in Japan. I guess he's talking about anime or idols or some stuff.

An explanation came up then for Bishop in the form of Travis' dialogue to himself. His name is Buzariashvili Bishop, the younger brother of Georgy Bishop, who was killed in No More Heroes 2. He took over his brother's shop, Beef Head, and reopened it as a video game shop. He puts flowers on his brother's grave every year and one year, Miike himself came to pay his respects. Wow!

That was good to get an explanation of Bishop and nice that his brother visits his grave with flowers.

Travis then mentioned his own self-dialogue thing, that he insisted it wasn't a ripoff of that pervert "Deadpole" or whatever his name was :) We did this thing first here! Haha, "Deadpole!" I love that line :)

Kamui then interjected, saying he heard of this before, the "fourth wall," right?

Jeane then said no. She said the instant the gamer grabs the controller, they are connected directly to the game. She said Travis had the ability to sense this stuff and it was kinda his thing. She said basically, he was sensitive to "this side" of things. Kamui said "this side" felt really familiar...

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