Sunday 7 June 2020

24 donut county - quadcopter sim, credits and level select

Dear Readers,

Credits time! This was presented through the perspective of the quadcopter that I was flying!

I was able to fly around and explore the whole area around the doughnut shop. It was really nice! The other characters were here and very high above the clouds were the raccoons along with the Trash King in a big balloon airship. Sweet!

When I finished exploring I rolled the credits. Glitch City sounds like a cool name for a company and the Peter Molydeux Twitter parody account is credited too! Haha :)

I looked up Glitch City and it's a "Coworking space". I'll have to look up what that means and this group in general a bit later.

Nice dedication to their mom and dad there :) 

After the credits I got a message of congratulations, saying I had unlocked new Trashopedia items and an option to open it now. I said yes.

And yes, it was all the items I checked in the Trashopedia during the Catapulting goodbye sequence.

The title screen was now changed to the beach with Mira and Coco and myself. I had "BK Squad" etched in the sand :)

I came back to it later and the title screen was now Mira standing next to a dumpster with me rummaging through it, quadcopter sticking out.

Nothing much else except for a Level Select screen, which looks like the hacking screen and from here you can play any level in the game, jumping to that part in the story at any time. Nice extra but there is one thing missing: A sound test! The music is so good in this game I want a sound test menu!

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