Wednesday 10 June 2020

3 travis strikes again: no more heroes - fresh start on the first level

Dear Readers,

I decided to start from the start. I choose mild difficulty and away I went into the came console thingy with Badman, staring with a game called Electric Thunder Tiger II.

I hung around on the title screen of the game and a cool cutscene played out, where a city was plunged into blackout darkness. The protagonist of this story puts on his super suit thingy and heads out to save his wife and child.

I am Travis Touchdown! I appear like the Terminator for the tutorial. Death and Drive are the figures giving me the tutorial. The music is pretty hip and cool. Some bom boms followed by some twang twangs, like in a grungy city nightclub. They told me the government sealed off the area and I was like whatever, this is a game, I'm gonna clear it! They asked if I had a permit and I said of course not. They told me not to underestimate video games.

I covered the same ground as before, re-learning the tutorial, being taught to me by some doctor.

Eventually I came across White Sheepman, who welcomed me to the world of Electric Thunder Tiger II. They were the memory manager and said I found the Death Ball(I think it's Badman's) and booted up the Death Drive Mk II. He said the journey was long, but short and the survivors were desperate. He told me about the main character, Triple Star and how he lost his reason to exist when he was abandoned. It was the guy from the cut scene. He said I should know more than anyone that the chains of freedom were the most painful of all.

I think I know what he means... I achieved so much in NMH 1 & 2 that I can only get my kicks now in obscure and dangerous video game consoles...

White Sheepman is like this sheep skeleton thing. The character portraits are pretty cool in this game and his one is black on a cyan kind of background with scanlines and red snowy effects.

After this was like a hallway of diggers and beyond was a Skill Chip, which the doctor told me about. I tried it on the new enemy Soderbug. Took a few hits to defeat it and I had to charge it up again. It was the Shining Chip, which I could use to bind an enemy before blowing them away.

Dr. Juvenile told me I could change the game difficulty any time. That's nice. I got some provisions then from HAZRE. After climbing up some rocks she was coming in more distorted. Then I met White Sheepman again.

He said my status as a hardcore gamer was well-known even here and he said he bet that gave me a hard-on. Jeez! To the south was another HAZRE box.

In the next area it was darker and I encountered Bugstreet Boys: Blue. These guys could shoot stuff at me. Easy enough to deal with. Another HAZRE box was up ahead to the right.

I really like that the basic attack you can spam by holding the attack button. It makes life a lot better!

Next was a long road with power poles scattered on either side, leading to some kind of industrial power plant place.

I encountered another new enemy on this road called Bugue Bugue Sputnik: Blue or something to that effect. They also shot stuff at me. I had to use strong attacks to one shot them. Then I saved at a portable toilet.

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