Friday 5 June 2020

22 donut county - the lack-of-trash crisis

Dear Readers,

The Trash King stood among the rubble of Raccoon HQ, telling us we ruined everything. He let out a sigh, saying maybe Raccoons couldn't cut it in Donut County after all.

Mira told him HE couldn't cut it. I was BK again and back in the balloon. I said yeah lol and that his company stinks! I said he ruined the neighbourhood.

Trash King said it wasn't about the company and to think about all the innocent raccoons that moved here. Mira said OMG give her a break.

Trash King continued, saying the truth was, we're running out of trash. He said we first came to Donut County because the trash was plentiful and now we had to keep opening up more holes to get less and less trash. He said he was looking out for us.

I told him he wasn't, that he was just looking out for himself. I told him he didn't run out of trash, he just ran out of people to steal from.

He said what was he supposed to do as he had nothing now.

I said bring everyone back. Mira said yeah and all our stuff too.

He grumbled, saying it would be so much work and he'd have to build a huge Catapult.

Mira said if he did it, we'd tell him how to get his hand out of the pickle jar. He said really?? and I said nope, lol. Mira lol'd too.

I checked BK's Trashopedia for new stuff. He described a tornado as a cloud flushing a toilet, lol :) For the broken Raccoon HQ he said he didn't have a job anymore(Woo!) and for the rest of the entries BK just wrote a message, saying he hoped we learned something from the Trashopedia before saying actually he didn't care lol, as he made most of this up. The Trash King paid him practically nothing to write these and he ended with Thanks for playing! the last entry was the Key to Donut County... interesting...

What an interesting scene! The Trash King talking about the lack-of-trash crisis was incredibly clever!

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