Saturday 6 June 2020

23 donut county - saying goodbye and sorry to everyone

Dear Readers,

Back in the hole, everyone from the campfire gathered around the newly built massive Catapult. Mira and I had it ready and told everyone to use it one at a time.

Potter thanked Mira and me, telling me to stay out of trouble. We catapulted them.

Helen asked us to please not Catapult any snakes back up there before we sent her. Mira said we'll see what we can do but I said nope, see ya! I Catapulted her out.

Salt and Pepper forgave Mira but not me, laughing and telling me I stink. I was like yeah bye whatever and Catapulted them out.

I asked Coyote if he'd like a job at our doughnut shop. I promised him we were going clean. he said yeah he supposed he'd like that... Then he dipped back into his tent before emerging fully in a suit! He said he'd get to be MY boss! Mira said lol weird but okay. Don't speak so soon Mira... I Catapulted him out.

Roma and Nicky said it would probably be a while before everything felt normal again. I Catapulted them and the other bunnies out.

Morsel said nice job to us for blowing up that quadcopter. I said thanks! He said he hoped we didn't mention anything to the cops about his explosives business, as they would be pretty shocked to hear who destroyed the 405 and all the other stuff we blew up. He was just saying, as a friend. I said thanks for threatening us and Catapulted him out.

Jellybean had a joke for us. Did you hear about the raccoon kissing the chicken? I said dude I wasn't gonna kiss his dirty chicken and immediately Catapulted him and Dollop out.

I told Bearclaw it had been real and they said yeah, a real waste of time. Mira laughed and Bearclaw thanked us anyway for introducing them to the big frog as it was a cool frog. I launched them out after an awkward exchange.

Chef said to stop by Cat Soup sometime and I said sure! Mira asked if he was gonna get rid of those bugs and he said ehhhh he didn't know as he felt like they were some kind of a secret ingredient now. I said that was sweet, telling him he should throw some apple cores and a fishbone in there and make a garbage stew. He thought it was a good idea but Mira didn't and told him to go away. I Catapulted him out.

Mira apologised to Possum for doubting him. He said it was no sweat, as he believed you shouldn't trust what anyone tells you... especially me. She said not to worry, as she would never trust me again. I was like what!!! after all this??? She said she was kidding. Possum said see? You couldn't trust anyone on this flat, hollow earth. I was like OMG whatever and launched him out.

Coco said it was gonna take a long time for him to forgive us as we messed up every possible thing. Mira said sorry to him and he was like mhm. She nudged me and I said sorry too. She asked him if he still wanted to go to the beach next weekend and he said yeah. I launched him out and that was everyone else.

Finally, Mira and I stood on the launch pad. I thanked Mira for being so cool to me. She said and? and I said for showing me how to be good? She said and? and I said for her patience. She said and? and I said omg that's enough praise. She was like hmm... maybe someday I'll make it up to her... after I do her laundry for 100 years.

I told her to praise ME now! She said ok and after spending so much time with me, she decided I stink only 75% as much as the Trash King. She said I still needed a bath though and I said she loved my stink. She said she didn't. She said she really didn't. I said LOL.

Mira asked if I would do her the honour of pressing the launch button and I said gladly. She then said TOO SLOW! HAHA! and pressed the button herself, launching us out.

Nice final exchange with everyone whose lives I've ruined!

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