Saturday 13 June 2020

6 travis strikes again: no more heroes - dangerous road out of the factory, lost first life... i'd like to try mitarashi dango!

Dear Readers,

After the Sheepman miniboss, it was out of the factory and nighttime. The music had a nighttime chill vibe added to the BGM.

Started off with toughies and there was a UE logo behind a truck.

Bugxtra appeared and offered more words of wisdom. He shared a factoid about Japanese people eating cake on Christmas. I didn't know they did that especially... He said it was a weird, mysterious tradition and wondered why Japanese people didn't eat Japanese sweets? He said it should be celebrated with mitarashi dango. I looked it up and it looks like cute sweet kebab things :) I'd like to try it!

Unlucky me died just before the next save point but I was able to recover on the spot which was nice. I also did a level up before I saved.

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