Friday 26 June 2020

19 travis strikes again: no more heroes - having a burger at the diner with kamui and jeane

Dear Readers,

I arrived at the famous Nightmare Burger, a roadside diner that looked pretty nice on the outside and a fine looking place to stop for a character in a road movie. My character wasn't really a fan of eating out, but was willing to check it out anyway.

I went inside and sat at a booth with all the condiments in the centre of the table. I thought the vibe here wasn't bad, noting the shop was dreary, but with a sense of cleanliness.

In a nice fourth wall break, my character asked himself why the heck was he talking like a narrator, like he automatically started thinking out loud. Haha! Visual novel stuff! Try being a blogger, dude :)

I proceeded to read stuff out loud. I was amazed they used grapeseed oil for the fries and that they had Kobe beef patties, which got my mouth watering. I got to the menu at my feet and ordered the Garlic Slice Burger, B Set.

Just then, there was this guy. I sensed there was a hardcore Psycho Frame coming off of him and thought he must've been the message boy those guys mentioned.

This ordinary-looking man showed up, recommending the shakes to me, particularly the strawberry one, and it was self-serve.

I asked him what his name was. He said it was Kamui Uehara. He said to call him "Kamui". I said it was a weird name and thanked him for the tip.

The new discovery sounding tune that played was promptly finished when I dashed off to get my shake and came back, saying I was more of a challenger and that I dug the new stuff more than the classics. I took a pineapple shake. The other groovy music came back.

I told Kamui I talked to Bruno San Marino and Red Ribbon. I asked him where the Death Balls were. He said he'd show me, which was a nice quick answer. I said let's get moving and he said to please let him finish his meal as we had plenty of time. I realised I hadn't eaten my burger yet either.

Kamui said he'd explain while I ate. He said he didn't actually know the concrete location of the Death Balls. I was like seriously? Wasn't he supposed to take me to them? He said he was an observer. I asked him if he was some freaking conman? He said he was something akin to a compass and that he'd guide me to a very special point. I said it sounded like BS and told him to finish his burger and get out of my sight.

Kamui asked someone if they agreed with him. This someone turned out to be my cat Jeane, whose portrait appeared. She appeared with an anime face and haircut! Also, she could talk! She told me to trust him if it was the only way to find the Death Balls. She said to see where this led by following this creep.

I said if that's what Jeane says, then that's that. I asked him how he knew this cat talked? He said he was an observer and could tell by the general atmosphere.

Jeane said this guy was one of them, but I should go with him. He said that was a terrible misunderstanding. She said her eyes were sharp and his were dead. He told her to watch her tone. She asked if he wanted to take this cat on, calling him p*55!!, which was hilarious :)

I said that was enough for now and told these kids to be nice. Kamui asked if we were gonna follow him then and Jeane said she'd allow it.

Then my burger arrived. I couldn't wait to tuck in to that Kobe beef!

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