Wednesday 17 June 2020

10 travis strikes again: no more heroes - reflecting on triple star and tons of notifications

Dear Readers,

After beating the first game, it showed Badman and I warping out. Next it showed some kind of VHS quality footage of me at a table, talking about stuff.

I said I fought my old hero, Triple Star. I wondered if it was a dream or real life. When I fought assassins, my mind just went blank, like some form of etiquette between two people fighting to the death. As always, I took three deep breaths, and closed my eyes. However, this time, my trick for clearing my emotions didn't seem to work. Triple Star was right in front of my eyes, my own personal superstar. Memories of childhood came flooding back and my emotions were all out of whack. I killed my own hero. No more heroes. Title drop!

I said someday, one of these days, Electric Thunder Tiger III would be back. I said I bet Devolver was gonna buy the rights and make a sequel. Haha, fourth wall stuff :)

I never watched Devolver's presentations but they seem to have a fun PR image :)

I said a man could hope, couldn't he? I also said ETT3 was gonna feature Travis Touchdown! Like as a sidekick or something. I said goodnight, Triple Star, calling him a true hero.

After this I was at my trailer in the real world. Here I could use the Death Drive Mk II console to start new games, buy and change t-shirts, and view other materials like faxes or the archives.

I got a notification that "Bad Girl" could be selected from the Bubblegum Fatale DLC after clearing the main game as well as the "Killer Marathon" DLC level, which I could also play after clearing the main game.

I got another notification that a new scenario had been added to Badman Strikes Back and I was to head for my car.

Another notification that a new t-shirt had been added to the Bathroom Menu.

Another notification that a new article was added to the Ramen blog.

Another notification that I got a fax from K.

Another notification that I got a new scenario added to Travis Strikes Back and I was to head for my motorcycle.

Whew... a lot of stuff. I saved my game... in my real bathroom this time. I don't know what a lot of this stuff is but I'll talk about it next time when I'm hanging out in the trailer hub area.

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