Tuesday 16 June 2020

9 travis strikes again: no more heroes - the last words of electro triple star

Dear Readers,

I fought Electro Triple Star again and beat him this time! Still a fight that drained a lot of my health though.

I finished the fight with a suplex move which I always loved from the series :) I tilted the stick in the direction rather than doing the motion. I wonder if doing the motion still works? I'll find out later. At least I can still do the motion to charge up the beam katana.

I got an A rank with some results:

Clear time was 00:02:55

Damage Taken was 213

Continuous Level 3 Charge Time was 00:00:00

Deaths was 0 (I reloaded a save)

Skills Used: 7

No. of Charge Attacks: 4

Max Damage: 120

Most Used Skill: Shining Chip

Rush Attack Use Time: 00:00:23

Electro Triple Star laid on the ground before me in pain. He said to become legend was painful. This was true pain for him and now he knew pain. I said it was pain only the defeated knew. He said I was past redemption. Whether this world was gonna be saved or destroyed, he told me to do with it as I liked. I said I didn't need to be told as I was gonna do as I liked anyway. He thanked me, saying he was uncomfortable, that maybe he was waiting for my arrival. He wished we could've met somewhere else. I said farewell, my hero.

White Sheepman then appeared. He said goodbye, Triple Star and that this world saluted him. He said he gave us a bit of peace and order and that the next Death Driver shall take on the deletion of the destroyer.

I said I could get used to being called a "destroyer", but I really hated those stereotypical anti-hero types. He said I cleared the game.

I made a Zelda pose as I held a new skill chip in the air, the Wing Chip. To be equipped later.

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