Friday 12 June 2020

5 travis strikes again: no more heroes - talking smack with sheepman red miniboss

Dear Readers,

I soldiered on after the toilet and came across Sheepman Red. He was called Generic Sheepman in the profile. He asked if I was a player character and if Triple Star was back, or was I some punk visitor from another world?

I told him I was an assassin, just passing through.
He said for someone who was just passing through, I sure did reek of bloodlust. In a very computery way he confirmed I was a destroyer and he was commencing slaughter in 5 seconds.

I told him he was a talky-ass monster and that I'd be merciful and kill him quickly.

He said he couldn't be defeated easily and asked me if I knew how scary a midboss could be. He promised to kill me painfully.

I told him to dial it back on the pillow talk, as midbosses were usually silent.

He said he didn't have many friends and I asked him what the heck that meant? He said not to hesitate for a text box and it was an opening.

The fight started. I was able to beat him handily enough with my new skills. He had some basic charging and electric attacks so he wasn't too bad. The music that played was reminiscent of the basic No More Heroes theme. After that I followed the path that led out of the factory.

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