Monday 1 June 2020

18 donut county - wrecking the biology lab

Dear Readers,

I reached the Biology Lab with the hole. This was the next place to mess up.

There were two raccoons with tablets here along with a snake in a cage. Some ceiling fans and other weird mechanisms here too. Lots of raccoons behind the glass panel. Some caged rabbits above. The Trash King himself was up on a big screen. I deployed the hole.

The Trash King welcomed the new recruits to the Biology Lab. He said Donut County was home to many rude screaming beasts and nobody knew why as the animals were just outside. He said it was their job to figure out the purpose of these nude creatures and to watch as the top raccoon researchers extracted the facts.

I swallowed up the raccoons, snake and everything else on the floor. The recruits and Trash King were all following me with their eyes.

Then I used the snake tail to hit the arrows and grab buttons on the wall. I grabbed some animals from cages, including a frog, a bird and a bug. I swallowed them and shot out the frog to eat the big flies around the place. After that I got the frog to pull the lever that set the bunnies free. Then I swallowed them as well, making love heart bubbles and increasing the size of the hole by a lot.

Sirens started blaring. The Trash King said not to panic as it was just a rogue hole and it was literally very normal. He said he turned on the emergency lights because it was fun haha. He then told the raccoon recruits to please finish filling their waivers in the next 5 seconds! He was desperately trying to downplay the chaos :)

Next thing, the hole shot out loads of bunnies, making the tv screen that was monitoring the room break down! 

I checked some more of BK's Trashopedia entries. A keycard was something you fed to a door to make it nice. Aw :) the employee phone was an ancient Wrong Number machine. What did he mean by Wrong Number machine? A succulent was a cactus that someone cruelly plucked out the spikes from which is true I guess but also funny :) the caged seagull was locked up for stealing chips and the caged lab bunnies were hardened criminals with varying senses of shame depending on their size.

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