Wednesday 24 June 2020

17 travis strikes again: no more heroes - the visual novel with ancient green computer graphics!

Dear Readers,

Now it was time for Travis Strikes BACK: No More Heroes in ancient computer with black and green graphics and scanlines! I was looking forward to this so much :)

The AGAIN part was blotted out and BACK was etched over it. There was also a really cool 8-bit rendition of the No More Heroes theme playing on the title screen. Lots of really neat touches here with the memory loading indicator at the start and everything.

I started the side story visual novel thing. There was a title box at the top, a dialogue box underneath, taking up the centre of the screen, and a graphical box of the scenery underneath that on the bottom. At the sides were two blank rectangle boxes for character portraits.

The title was **On the Road** and the image was of me riding on my motorbike. The music had a good bassline and was a good beginning-of-a-road-movie kind of tune.

I said the wind hurt... and that days like this were bad luck. I was sure something bad was gonna happen and this road was gonna lead to danger and trouble. I was aware that trying new things in a new place was gonna stir things up though.

I thought about how people asked me what the meaning of killing was if you were risking your own life? I said it didn't "mean" squat; it was about instinct, not meaning. I talked about how that spark lights up in your brain and that sweet, sweet dopamine starts to flow. There was no "meaning" to men fighting... men were born to fight. I was a legendary assassin but I retired and my real story was beginning here...

The next scene was on a long Outrun-like road with lush Atari-like scenery and skies in the background. The tune that played was super groovy. A character with sunglasses, a suit and a strange towel whip-shaped hairstyle appeared and said HEY! Another one with similar dress but a big bowl-cut hairdo said YOU!

I said if they were trying to hitch a ride, they should find a car as this bike ain't got room for them.

Man A asked if I was Travis and Man B said they were waiting for me. I asked if they were assassins and they said no. Man A said his name was Bruno San Marino and Man B was Red Ribbon. They asked if I had a minute.

More next time!

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