Sunday 14 June 2020

7 travis strikes again: no more heroes - learn from failures and stay up all night eating hakata tonkotsu

Dear Readers,

I moved on to an area that was a long narrow street of buildings that had a big building at the end with a shiny electric orb at the top of it.

Bugxtra had more words of wisdom. He said people's success stories weren't worth crap and that people's stories of failure were worth more than gold. Those are some excellent words of wisdom!

Some nice neon signs were along the way too. They didn't say anything I recognised though, they just looked all urban and cool. 

Bugxtra was in an alley to the side after another skirmish with more words of wisdom. He said to do what I had left today tomorrow and do what I leave tomorrow the day after tomorrow. Sounds like common enough sense. But then he said on the day after tomorrow I should stay up all night. Ooo... Nice way to break it up!

Soon after this was another new enemy, Buguro. Seems to be the same as the other enemies for some reason so I was a bit confused.

After that was Bugjirou. He gave me Hakata Tonkotsu, described as a great way to end the day, that it was a pork-based Western-style all-star. I looked it up and got a bunch of stuff related to an anime called Hakata Tonkutsu Ramens. I looked up the food specifically and got a dish that seems creamy and has eggs, pork and all that good stuff! Looks delish, but I would have to make sure it didn't have any chicken in it if I were to order it from somewhere. I needed the health pickup.

After this was a tall enemy with a long sword and I forgot the name of it. It was able to do an attack that filled a radius around it. It wasn't too bad to handle.

After this was a long tunnel with a light at the end of it. There was a toilet along the way so I took a pit stop.

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