Thursday 11 June 2020

4 travis strikes again: no more heroes - into the factory and being warned against restaurant chains

Dear Readers,

I continued plowing through a mixture of enemies seen before before I got another Skill Chip. This was the Psycho Chip.

The Psycho Chip fired multiple shots from the Death Glove and temporarily immobilised enemies that were hit with it.

I fought a few more mixtures of enemies, with some mixtures becoming more tough. I was also seemingly going through some kind of small town road and came across a Ramen Stall, manned by a red skull dude.

The Red Skull dude's name was Bugjirou and he welcomed me. I demanded his best ramen and he obliged wholeheartedly. With an "Itadakimasu" I tucked in heartily.

This ramen was Tokyo Shoyu, simple & beautiful. It was a refreshing soy sauce-based soup made with bonito broth. I looked it up. Bonito is a fish broth and there seems to be chicken involved too with some recipes. Wouldn't be into that now at all...

Up ahead was a fellow with two masks named Bugxtra. He gave some kind of wise proverb about if a man was gonna cry that he should cry in his dreams.

Beyond him was an Azteca Stone that I could use to exchange for a special t-shirt back at the trailer. Not sure when I'd be able to actually see the shirt in game though... Oh well.

Up ahead was a cage. Along the sides were more boxes, one of which had an extra life. Inside the cage was a big load of enemies and I dealt with them handily.

The big door opened ahead and Dr. Juvenile told me about EXP, about levelling up either character, how the points were shared and I could even skip the level up process altogether, to test myself as a real gamer! I could only level up one character at a time though. Hmmm... I wonder if I have to be strategic with this? Will I be forced to play as Badman later? We'll see.

Through the door was a factory type area with metal pathways and electric panels in the flooring. The music here was like a jungle beat but on metallic drums. Lots of stuff to collect and I came across another enemy called Bug Gates or something like that. Its attack was a suicide bombing move.

Found the Heavy Chip. An 8-bit sprite that looked like Link cosplaying as Travis appeared, which was cute. The Heavy Chip made enemies slow down.

I came across Bugxtra again. His words of wisdom this time were not to eat at restaurant chains. he said to picture the ingredients the head office buys and where they came from, how they're handled and managed. He said I couldn't, could I? Then he advised me to be suspicious of ingredients I couldn't picture.

Up ahead was a Deathahedron. Dr Juvenile told me that they opened doors and other stuff when I attacked them. These particular ones made platforms rotate and paths connect. I turned and explored all the platforms and found lots of stuff, including a UE logo, which I could exchange for a special shirt. This game seems to really like the fact that it was made using the Unreal Engine... 4 to be exact. I don't really know or appreciate the significance of this.

I spent a good bit of time here and following the paths was mind numbing in an addictive kind of way. I got beyond it though.

I found a branching path that lead me to another piece of Bugxtra dialogue. He asked if I was brave enough to eat poison. He said he wasn't, because he wanted to keep living. He wanted to burn the image of his family's faces into his retinas till the moment he died. He told me not to forget this: Most restaurant chains were poison. I'll... keep it in mind.

I wonder if he was talking about the ramen stand? I thought about it while saving my game at the toilet up ahead. Then I took a break.

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