Sunday 2 June 2019

262 night in the woods - re-reuniting with the gang

Dear Readers,

Time to reunite with my fellow legend, Gregg!

We got almost straight into the too-bad-this-horrible-thing-didn't-happen-to-you game. It's gonna be hard to choose Bea over him in this playthrough!

We went straight to band practice where I also reunited with Angus and Bea. Gosh it was a cold reunion with her!

We got straight into the "Die Anywhere Else" song and I did pretty okay. Not bad considering I don't know this song!

Afterwards we went for pizza and I took a slice this time instead of Gregg's crust. When the pizza scale came up I said "Screw it. Pizza good." and Gregg said that's exactly what it was!

Also, this time I also made sure Angus got a slice of pizza! It was sad to see him struggling to get a slice last time!

I said I wasn't touching those crusts Gregg left behind and he said saaaaame.

When the topic of jobs came up and Bea said she was working at the Ol' Pickaxe I said "Isn't that your dad's store?" and she said it sure was.

Of course, there was the sad bit with Casey's mysterious disappearance. Even sadder now, knowing what I know about it :(

After that, when Bea asked me about college I said "Man, screw school!" and she just flatly said stunning... before leaving an awkward pause. Then it was time to go.

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