Thursday 6 June 2019

266 night in the woods - laptop re-repaired

Dear Readers,

I arrived home from Angus and Gregg's and had a chat with dad.

He called me the mayor of Possum Springs herself! I wonder if Mr. Penderson caught up with him :) though dad says this anyway, even if I didn't choose the mayor option...

I chatted with him about Angus, he told me a little about Angus' dad and also he made that unarmed joke, which was wonderful :)

We said goodnight and I went up to use Angus' fix on my computer. I was in business again!

Angus checked up on me in the IM chat and mentioned the game Demontower as well... I wonder if I'll play that fully this time round? Maybe I should and I can chat with Angus about it?

After I thanked Angus, Gregg immediately teased me about having adult stuff on my laptop and that I broke it with sooo much of it. I said "I did not" and he said he could smell my lies and asked me why must I turn this internet into a den of lies! Wow! Simpsons reference :D I said I deny everything!

He then asked me about going to the party and I said "Girl you know I will" and he said girl he was so excited, that the woods were so fun at night. He said he was gonna get so wasted as there were no laws in the woods.

In my experience, the woods aren't so fun at night ^^; if only he knew! Gosh imagine if I saw the ghost at the party or something? That would be something...

Also, just realised I could use the Switch touchscreen to move the pizza cursor! Maybe I knew that before but forgot. Oh well!

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