Wednesday 19 June 2019

279 night in the woods - another post party chat with mom

Dear Readers,

I woke the next morning feeling bad but at least the party was over.

Got a message from Bea online where she apologised to me for last night. That was nice of her :) she said she was at her shop if I wanted to stop by. Gregg gave me a similar invitation but this time I'll be visiting Bea :)

I fetched the combination from the bookshelf in the hall. I'll write it down again: Left 45, right 100, left 22, left 90, right 15. I know I don't have to put it in manually but I'll write it down anyway. I also like the observation on the big clock on how it was a thing that did one job. I still like things that only have one job :) not everything has to connect to the internet or whatever!

When I got downstairs, mom called me in to the kitchen for a chat. When she asked if I had a rough night I said "No, just tired." doing this made me miss out on the dialogue about Cole though... Ah well.

When we got talking about the powerlines I said "Pssh. They'd never catch me." She said if Aunt Molly catches me up there, there would be no telling what she would do. I asked her if I told her I saw Aunt Molly yesterday out front and she said really? I then said yeah, that she was being all weird and cryptic. Then I said I didn't know, I was feeling fuzzy today.

I asked mom about her book and it was about a guy on a ship and he lived on various foods. This was where she listed out loads and loads of food. Except this time I said "I get it.", cutting the list short!

I told her I was going out to see what Bea and Greg were up to and I left.

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