Sunday 9 June 2019

269 night in the woods - level vii blood moat is not nice

Dear Readers,

Blood Moat was the name of Demontower's level VII.

By the way, why do I have less and less health the more I progress in this game? It's like the opposite of Zelda!

Very nasty enemies that dash and throw daggers debut here. Also has loads of moats, true to its name.

Extremely nasty boss here too that's made up of lava or blood or whatever it is and marks the room like a Tron lightcycle. Also casts fire in all directions!

On one of my many attempts, I was pretty happy with myself when there were loads of fiery spellcasters in the key room and I got them to burn each other, with me only having to defeat the last one left. That was pretty nice. Then of course I got assassinated by all the dagger throwers on the way to the boss room. Argh.

One time I managed to actually beat the horrible boss but the path to the exit door was covered in that red goop and I couldn't proceed! That was horrible!

It took me almost 10 attempts to beat the boss and well over 20 attempts to reach the boss at all. That was very frustrating and I had to take a break at one stage.

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