Tuesday 18 June 2019

278 night in the woods - slurring different things to bea

Dear Readers,

After I got sick at the party, Bea drove me home.

I said "I owe you an apology, Bea." or at least tried. I slurred an apology and said I didn't even know what happened. I then tried to say "Remember when we used to be best friends?" but I slurred this too and slurred also that I still loved her. She said she didn't get a word of that.

I tried to say "I feel like you're mad at me all the time. Why?" and mentioned her mother. After she told me about her mother being dead I tried to say "This was a terrible lapse of memory, Bea. I'm so sorry." and I asked her not to take it personally.

She helped me in home and tucked me in to bed when she saw how upset I was. Dialogue was the same as last time here. Then I had the first of the dreams.

It was the one where I had the baseball bat and went around smashing everything, ending with the awful, pointing sculpture and beating it down into scrap. This was the statue I hated and feared while I was at college. I wonder if I actually smashed it up for real? It doesn't say anywhere that I did, even when I was talking to Gregg on the couch about it at his place.

The dream ended and it was on to Part 2: Weird Autumn.

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