Friday 7 June 2019

267 night in the woods - return to demontower!

Dear Readers,

I decided to return to Demontower to go further this time! Last time I made it as far as level IV.

The Demontower voice is kinda cool :)

The game itself runs smoothly but does have the odd frame stutter that is noticeable but not deal ruining.

I beat the first floor pretty quickly. :)

Died on the second floor boss but bounced back to beat him fairly handily.

Died on the third floor boss as well. Had to chase them around on the pentagram and the cooldown on the weapon and dashing is pretty annoying :/ I don't really like that in games.

Level IV debuts the fiery spellcasters. I don't like them at all :( They just get in the way and take up all the space with fire!

Those screaming guards at the boss doors are appropriately horrifying.

The boss of level IV with the big Skellie being carried by the little Skellies was kinda fun and cool.

The library on level V debuts fiery spellcasters with armour. Goody :(

I got my butt kicked by a rat king splitting up and surrounding me.

I wonder why my character is always limping when they start a floor and they don't stop limping until I dash? It's strange. Eventually I have to use it to get across chasms and stuff.

Again I hate the fiery spellcasters! They take up so much space and it takes ages for the fire to go away! GRR!

Died once again by fire trapping me into a corner and not letting me escape, instead keeping me stuck there and losing at least 4 HP.

The fiery spellcasters can't even die quietly — they leave a big fire there that takes forever to go away.

It is pretty nice when they accidentally set themselves and other enemies on fire though. They're not so bad after all! :)

The boss of floor V was a giant rat king thing that I had to split into smaller ones and wipe out. I'm glad that I get extra dashes as the floors go on at least!

Making good progress!

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