Wednesday 5 June 2019

265 night in the woods - finding angus again

Dear Readers,

I still wasn't able to visit Bea today at her family's shop! I really did just have to find Angus.

I went down into the tunnel where it was my first meeting with "Fisherman" Jones! Also with Miss Rosa, who invited me to chat sometime and learn more about granddad :) Such a nice beginning! And such a worthwhile thing to learn too!

Angus wasn't at work. His co-worker was here. I went to see Gregg, who had cups on his ears. I said "Wow." He said something about things sounding like the sea or something. I asked about Angus and also learned where they were living now. Then I went back to the co-worker who said she got here early to take over his shift. Then I was able to go to Angus and Gregg's apartment building.

I remember before I was a bit confused as to how to find Angus. It was just these simple steps in this sequence!

After this it was the wonderful sequence with the intercom dialogue with all the weird neighbours in their building! I only listened to the first one though. Don't remember if I had dialogue choices either... Ah well. Up to Angus.

I talked to him about my computer problems and he said what kinds of things were on it and I said "Nothing. Just things." He said I probably had some adware or something on my computer, probably due to reckless downloading or clicking OK on sites that I should never click OK on. I said it was the internet! Stuff happens.

He gave me the magical solution, and also a taste of his nihilistic views. I headed home then. Awesome Angus :)

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