Friday 14 June 2019

274 night in the woods - connoisseurs of vhs

Dear Readers,

After playing Demontower all night it was time to go to bed! Dad was still up though.

In the morning I got a message from Gregg saying that Bea works at the ol' Pickaxe. I can finally go there!

I went downstairs to tell mom about the party I was going to. I said "Yeah I'm in pretty high demand." and she asked me if I was keeping in touch with any friends from college. To that I said I didn't really make any friends... she asked what about my roommate or that nice girl I met at orientation. I said not really. She then told me to have a nice time.

I went out and stopped by Selmers, talking about what she was up to, how she was hoping to hear back from Ham Panther, a place that doesn't treat its workers well... The town council were here arguing about statues and encouraging business. Grumpy porch guy talked about being legally able to shoot me for trespassing. Nothing too big going on!

I met the guy working on the streetlight today too, the one giving out about kids getting themselves kilt from jumping on top of streetlights. That vampire government comment was pretty funny the way it derailed my comment about escaping vampires at the church.

Maybe I should keep an eye out and guess who the cultists are? This guy could be one!

The dissatisfied Telezoft worker was talking about Dr. Hank.

The teens in the tunnel continued to be unimpressed with me, even though I told them I wasn't that much older than them.

I went to see Angus at Video Outpost Too and thanked him for help with the laptop. He was glad to be of service! While I was there I asked him "How is this store still open?" He said there was a certain romance to VHS and DVD that simply cannot be matched. I said really and he said nope. I asked him if he really had VHS and he said it was mostly the adult section back behind the curtain. I was like really and he said yeah that some folks are really into seeking them out. It's like a while little scene that goes back before the internet. He said they had a historian in there last month looking for some obscure video! I asked him how would someone get that job? He said it was probably the kind of job you could only get if you didn't need to have a job. I think I know what he means...

I then talked about the party and he talked about Gregg being his corner, which is still super awww :)

Time to see Bea!

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