Sunday 30 June 2019

290 night in the woods - exploring the rest of fort lucenne mall

Dear Readers,

Bea and I stopped at the giant fish head statue fountain thing. Bea said she loved her! I asked her if she ever came to the Summer Daze thing here and she said yeah and talked about how it would squirt people.

She still had no idea how they did that. I said "I always assumed it was some guy in there with a squirt gun." She said no, that it was totally a fountain they tricked out to squirt people. I said that was amazing. She laughed and mentioned the walkway way up above past the upper food court thing in the atrium. I said the what? and she explained. I said "I know what an atrium is." and she said anyway, when she was a kid she thought that's where god lived. I was like wow and she said she just remembered staring at it when she was a kid, eating a burger, and trying to see if she could see god peeking over or something.

The camera zoomed out and I observed some weird hanging art up there, which was what they had now. I asked her if she wanted to go up and see and she said nah, that her knees were killing her from work. :(

Poor Bea... We're too young to have knee problems like this.

Bea asked if I was up for eating when we got to a table. I said "Let's check out the rest of the mall first." and work up an appetite. I get the feeling that maybe this is the last event to take place here so I chose this. She said she was kinda hungry when we got here. We'll eat soon, Bea!

We walked on and passed by Smelters Country, which was open but didn't seem to be interesting; Book Rook, which was shut down; and Vibes Music, which was open but we walked past for now.

In almost no time at all we reached the exit on the other side of the mall. I thought there was more to this place, but it turns out this wasn't even a real mall. I now thought it was like a hallway with crap in it. I said to look at that big dark empty parking lot. Bea said she wasn't sure if it's ever been filled. I said there weren't enough people in the whole town. She said probably not. I said it was like a big black ocean and she added that it was with a Fishtastic on the other side. I remembered getting a weird fever from eating at that Fishtastic. Wont be eating there! We went into Vibes Music then.

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