Friday 28 June 2019

288 night in the woods - the year of urev0luti0n

Dear Readers,

When we entered the URev0luti0n store, with its darkness and its disco ball and its too loud music, Bea groaned loudly. I grinned and put my hands on my hips. It was like I was 14 again!

Bea said yeah, it was pretty nuts in here. I pointed to a t-shirt that had an ankh design exactly like hers and she said shut up. Hehehe :)

The clerk greeted us and I greeted her back with a big wave. She gave us her sales pitch on the 20% discounted shirts they had. I showed enthusiasm and thanked her! Then I gave another big wave and said I'd catch her later!

We took a look at the Dead Party Boys stickers. I was like haha nice and Bea was amazed there were stickers of them in 2017 on sale. Another point that defeats my already defeated theory about this game taking place in the late 2000s! I said I think they were back in and she was like hm. That's cool. I said I bet she listened to them and she admitted she did, saying they were good. Then I was like yeah, if you're 30 years old and sad. Ouch! She said she was getting there.

I complained to Bea about there not being any Witchdagger stuff here and how they only had stuff that was cool with teens. Bea pointed out a Witchdagger blacklight poster and said she noticed a bunch of Witchdagger stuff on the way in. I was like ok ok... then she said I should go hang out with the teens! I told her to stop it and she said I had so much in common with them. I told her I swear I would steal her car and leave her here! She laughed, saying like I even knew how to drive! Goooood bantz!

Then it came to the belt buckles...Bea said she hadn't seen them in a while, at least not fashionable ones. Mike at her shop had one with a rattlesnake driving a semi truck. I told her to cover me while I grabbed one and she was shocked, telling me I wasn't going to do this!

But I was! I told her "Shoplifting is no big thing." She said something about going to jail and I said I meant that it was easy. Our eyes evolved to notice movement. She asked if it was like dinosaurs and I said if the dinosaur was moving! She was about to explain what she meant but didn't bother.

This was like a good tutorial for the event but I dunno about the real thing! I insisted though it was Just. Like. Dinosaurs! She said she was gonna pretend to not know me until I was done.

I did the deed when the clerk wasn't watching and pulled it off. We then got out!

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