Tuesday 25 June 2019

285 night in the woods - to mall or not to mall

Dear Readers,

I called in to Gregg who said well look who it is! I said yep, alive for another day!

He asked how I was after the night and everything. I was feeling bad but felt better now that I had been out in the fresh air. I initially said "I was just stopping in. Gonna roll out." but there really was nothing else to do, so I opted for band practice. I guess Gregg really wanted to keep the band going.

At band practice it was Germ, Bea, Angus, Gregg and myself. Angus said he had to go soon and do family stuff. Just for a night. Then Bea made that ellipsis I remember being a mysterious thing from my last playthrough. Now that I know what was going on with Angus' family... I can only imagine what Bea was thinking. Yikes.

We played the Weird Autumn song and I made a few mistakes but I got on well enough! Not bad considering I don't know this song!

I finally got chatting with Bea, asking her if she wanted to do something, promising her it would be better than last night. She asked what I had in mind and I thought for a moment before suggesting the mall. She was like the mall? and I said yeah! Fort Lucenne, like we did when we were kids!

She asked me when was the last time I was there and I said I dunno, 5 years ago maybe. She was about to say something but then she hesitated and said yeah. Let's go. I said great! and she said great in a less enthusiastic way. I then lowered my eyelids and promised her it'd be great! She asked if we were sure we were doing this.

I first decided to check with Gregg and he had plaaaaans for crimes. I'm glad I had the choice! I chose to hang out with Bea, telling her "Yeah. Let's go malling."

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