Sunday 16 June 2019

276 night in the woods - the buildup to the party

Dear Readers,

Before I went inside home to get ready for the party, Aunt Molly was waiting for me outside the door.

She was telling me that it was her job to make sure folks like me never saw stuff like what I saw the other night with the arm and such. Yeeks... now that I know what I know now, the stuff she was saying... and how she was being all non-direct about it, probably for the sake of peace... it's really disconcerting to hear her say that exact stuff again. And here I am giving her cheek! Gosh...

I said ""Folks like you"?" and she said I was a kid and naive and remarked how in its own stupid way that it was beautiful, but the world wasn't. All it took for something bad to happen was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I love this dialogue and it's even more powerful hearing it on the second playthrough. I wonder how much she knows about the cult?

I went in home to mom and dad who had tacos ready for dinner! I didn't want to say this but for the sake of picking a different choice I said "No, I'm gonna snack it up at the party later." Dad asked if I meant snake it up and mom said to watch out for snakes. I said there was gonna be a fire and people so snakes would be running in terror. Dad said snakes didn't run and mom tried to imagine snakes with legs, shivering at the thought. I told her those were lizards. She said to watch out for lizards then. Dad said they'll getcha!

I briefly jumped online where Bea and Gregg told me to get ready.

I went to the mirror to inspect and assess myself. I picked different choices this time. I said "I have the worst face. I have a nightmare face." I hung my head a little and thought I was a mess. I said "My big dumb eyes. My nightmare eyes." To this I widened my eyes and thought that Nightmare Eyes would be an excellent horror movie name. The text of the title was all red and made a wiggly effect with a strange but cool sound :)

I thought more about it, how you'll see the eyes outside your window and you'll know! I then went back to me. I said people like me and I could do this. Then I said "People don't like you. Clearly." I had no friends at college... not even one. It wasn't really their fault... Then I was just like, whatever.

I thought about what I was gonna say. I tried a wave and "Hi, I'm Mae! How's it going?", practising a few bits of normalspeak so that no one could prove I wasn't normal. I thought how everyone looked normal in the dark and I was pretty sure that's the only way sex worked.

I got all glum again, saying this was hopeless. I said to wheel me out to the curb for garbage day. Then it was time to get moving. I wished myself luck and responded in a super cool way how I made my own luck with a luck machine.

There are more dialogue options, even though this is my second time playing. I wonder what else I can explore while being hard on myself in front of the mirror...

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