Friday 21 June 2019

281 night in the woods - i know who hecked up the dudes last autumn

Dear Readers,

I wanna see Bea of course, but first I wanna see more in Towne Centre.

The Telezoft worker was planning their escape to go to an interview for a better job hopefully. Good for them :) Unfortunately I know now it was a crap shoot that doesn't pay off but the sense of hope is still inspiring, at least at this stage. I kinda wish I could help.

I went down into the tunnel and Miss Rosa was there. She said she would only tell me about Granddad if I wanted to know. I asked "Is it scandalous?" and she said she didn't think so and that she was old enough that nothing felt scandalous anyway. I asked her if that was a thing that happened when you got old and she laughed, saying it depended on the life you led. She talked about the troublemaking history of my family before she got tired. So yeah, that got a bit more dialogue! It was nice :)

Got the nice HONEY I'M HORM line from "Fisherman" Jones and the dialogue between Aunt Molly and the town council. This was about the graffiti and whoever hecked up the dudes. Wow the council were angry. Molly was trying to calm them down and stuff with all their excitement about calling this an act of terrorism.

I went back above and made those windmill things fly off. Then I went in to Mallard's Tomb for the big reunion. I also met the rat offspring and gave them a tickle! I went back down into the tunnel to nab a pretzel for them. They were very hungry. I started thinking of myself as their mom and wondered if I was ready to be one. Also, I wonder if Miss Rosa would say anything about me nabbing pretzels? Probably just another story in my family's history :)

I met Lori M for the first of our cosy rooftop chats. We instantly bonded when I told her I liked this spot after school back in the day. I love the way I was acting like an old timer who was past her prime :)

When we told each other where we lived and she called my place the rich neighbourhood, this time I said "Um... no." She still got pretty panicky. We talked about the graffiti in the tunnel as well and she wasn't forthcoming this time either. When I said the town was full of suspects... man ain't that the truth!

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