Tuesday 4 June 2019

264 night in the woods - a vote to bulldoze houses

Dear Readers,

The next morning I opened up my virus riddled laptop! I had to go find Angus to fix it.

First, a chat with mom. She asked if I knew Angus really and I said "kinda?". Then we got to talking about the arm. I loved this cosy chat with her, like we were detectives but we were also joking about it! Also, the whole come home before dark thing and be careful was hugely important too.

Outside, Mr. Penderson was waiting for me. This conversation with him would never go pleasantly! This time my response to him asking if I got a job yet was "Yes. I've been elected mayor." and he harrumphed, saying I couldn't do worse than the current one. I said I had ordered his house to be bulldozed! haha! He answered with what, finishing the job I started? I told him I hope he enjoyed living in the woods!

He said the eggs I threw took the paint off the vinyl siding. I went on, telling him to scavenge food! To commune with the beasts! He told me to watch myself, calling me Lil' Miss. Then he gave his small town polite spiel. It's pretty good spiel to be honest.

Afterwards I chatted with Selmers. She asked if it felt like things have changed and I said "Nah. Not really." that it was same old same old, same people, same streets, same trees. She said she wished she could get away. I asked her where she would go and she said she wanted to go out to the ocean and get a stable job that paid worth a darn, make jewellery out of things she finds on the beach and sell them and do karaoke every night. I asked her if I could come visit and she asked if I could karaoke. I asked if it had to be any good and she said it didn't matter, I just had to show up.

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