Monday 17 June 2019

277 night in the woods - the party plays out a little differently

Dear Readers,

Time to relive the party disaster! Bea kindly drove us there.

Gregg said he thinks Cole might be at the party. I was shocked and was like OMG. The last time I played I wasn't shocked... Not exactly sure why. When Bea asked who he was, Angus reminded her and she said he was really smart. Then I said I was really smart! Gregg said yeah! and Bea said that was settled then. Yeesh!

Bea was just as horrible at the party, wanting to talk to her dumb snooty friend instead of me. No wonder I wanted to avoid her on the first playthrough.

So here we are in the woods and it's a bunch of other people our age instead of weird murder cultists. At least I know now that I could be in a much worse situation. If I had a choice it would be here at the party but nestled in between Gregg and Angus.

They asked if I was gonna talk to Cole and I said "Yeah sure." Gregg was like yeah man! and Angus asked if I was sure. I said yeah, I mean why should I be weird about it? They then reminded me of the song I wrote afterwards called Go Get Dead, Angel Face and I groaned, saying we don't talk about that!

I wasn't able to talk to Cole without a drink. I talked to Angus and Gregg after it and I sighed, saying something about people not liking me. They gave me support and Gregg was like yeah, who cares if people didn't like me? Angus was like uh... and then Gregg yelled screw everyone! He yelled out loud that I was the best while shaking his arms. The guy on the guitar was like yeah man or something and Gregg said shut up, douchebag! and the guitar guy was like what? I thanked them :)

I talked to Cole, using the routine I practised in front of the mirror. It was a little awkward as I asked him the same question he just asked me about how things were. He said he was back for the weekend or something from studying and I said that was fascinating. He was like wow and said that was the first time someone called his life fascinating. I said that was so true and that I'd see him later! He was like ok... and I asked what the heck was his problem?

After another drink I had another different thing to say to Gregg and Angus, or Angy as I called him. I said I thought they were both so cuuuute together and Gregg said he knew that alright. After more talking they said I should go sit by the fire.

Cole came up to me to say hi and it was then I made my big scene. Music stopped and Gregg and Angus had slightly different stuff to say. Gregg was like eff the world, Mae's the best! Angus agreed but that I should pace myself. Bea then said she was never driving any of us anywhere again! That was pretty funny :)

Events played out and I got sick, but of course there were no tacos as I made a different choice earlier. Time to go home!

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