Saturday 8 June 2019

268 night in the woods - demontower level vi

Dear Readers,

Level VI of Demontower now! Takes place in a church.

I wish I knew what that green shifty-eyed dude is there for on every floor. I'll find out later.

Boss here is a fiery spellcaster with a pope hat hovering all over the place! Little ghostie jerks as well.

Hmm... this game really encourages you to dash... The two sword slash limit before cooldown is a big disadvantage but it resets when you do a dash.

Those swordsmen skellies that take more and more hits the more you progress may be even more annoying and time consuming than the fiery spellcasters.

It took me at least 7 attempts to beat the stupid fiery spellcaster boss. It was really hard and those ghosties made it even harder. Got past it though!

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