Monday 24 June 2019

284 night in the woods - why bea joined the band

Dear Readers,

Now to make the main decision for this playthrough and visit Bea!

Danny was working here! I asked him how it was going and he said it was cool... but then he admitted the truth that it sucked. He had no idea there were so many kinds of hammers and wrenches and nails and he especially shuddered on the nails part.

I said hi to Bea and she was like yyyo. I apologised to her about last night and that I got woozy on cold medicine, so I didn't really know what I expected to happen. She apologised too for what she said. I said I didn't really remember it much so whatevs and she said hooray for alcohol. I said that'd be the new town motto.

I very much remember what she said to me and it was really good of her to apologise. She's got a big heart and she has good character.

I asked her if she was up for band practice later and she said yeah with a little laugh. I said I was amazed it was still a thing as we were barely even a band in highschool. She said it was fun and she gets to hang out with Angus. I asked her how did she even end up doing it? She said when Casey left town, Angus told her that Gregg was really sad, so she volunteered to be the new drummer. I told her it was a laptop and she said it sure was.

She then said she'd see me later as she had work to do. Whoa... so I had to go see Gregg today anyway? Interesting...

Also, she particularly liked hanging out with Angus. I wonder if there was something there... food for thought! :)

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