Monday 2 September 2019

352 night in the woods - seriously though, what's up with mulvay

Dear Readers,

I hung around and chatted with the folks in Towne Centre, including my new violinist friend Saleem.

I was unclear on the difference between a fiddle and a violin. They assured me it was a violin.

I went into the weird room again, worried about finding the poop bucket, thinking about opening up a pizza place when the churches are empty, making this person's bed or simply moving something. Then I thought about how that would be really creepy so I just left.

Lori M was thinking about heading to the tracks and invited me to join, so I did! I said "Sounds good, actually." good to get away from it all to the tracks and chat and think about stuff.

On the way, I told her my friend Casey used to come out here and smoke. She said she used to smoke when she was younger. I said "Oh really?" The conversation continued in much the same way, only this time I didn't mention Bea's habit or my allergy. We concluded again that it was a good idea to not smoke or vape.

This was when we got talking about tacos and serial killers. I said we never got around to having serial killers and knowing what I know now, I would eat these words soon enough :(

She talked about the urge to murder someone and how guilty and weird she felt about it. She brought up how I tried to murder someone. I said "No I didn't" and she said a lot of people thought so. I said yeah well, a lot of people are really stupid and I wasn't trying to kill him. It was just a thing that happened and it wasn't my first step on the way to supposed serial killer-dom. After a pause she said sorry. A train passed by and I said it was cool.

We went on to talk about the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, collected the squished figurines and I told her to be really careful and go home before dark and stuff. I couldn't explain why though.

I said to the teens in the tunnel again to be careful and to have a buddy system. They said I was paranoid. The place called Mulvay came up again and I was like... don't!

A little extra dialogue with Lori M this time. Also, this is the only place in the game so far where I've heard anything about Mulvay and it's like the most ominous thing. Seriously, what's up with that place?! I'd love to know!

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